Weekly Meeting 10/2
Join us in Normandy Park for our weekly meeting. This week's speaker is: <Insert Name>
Join us in Normandy Park for our weekly meeting. This week's speaker is: <Insert Name>
Join us for our weekly meeting in Normandy Park!
Today we will have a Des Moines and Normandy Park Rotary Club “Club Assembly.”A Rotary Club Assembly is a key meeting where members come together to discuss whether bail moneyfor last weeks presidential antics at our any holiday party comes out of fund raising or operation budget,while our President guides us in planning the club’s […]
Our presenter will be Nathan Box with Mercy Housing. Nathan Box is a fellowRotarian and serves as the President of the South King County Rotary Club. He is also theCommunication & Engagement Manager for Mercy Housing Northwest. Mercy Housing is thelargest affordable housing provider in the country with nearly 350 communities in 20+ states, 51of […]
Our presenter will be Carl Dombek. Carl is a volunteer with Des Moines PD(graffiti impacts) and also made a trip to Poland and worked with Ukrainian refugees . Carl willspeak to graffiti clean-up/removal and the benefits to the community, and about his tripto Poland to work with Ukrainian refugees.
All club members are invited to pitch in as we fill backpacks with food for distribution to students in our schools, or assist with other projects to support our Des Moines Food Bank.
Today's presenter will be Jill Dell. Jill has dedicated herself to the pursuit of outdoor adventures, with a particular love for bike-packing. Her recent expedition along the Palouse to Cascades Trail is a testament to her determination and adventurous spirit.
Our club will participate in the Tiny Home build project at the Hope Factory in SODO. At Sound Foundations NW, our goal is to build transitional tiny homes that help move our homeless neighbors into spaces that are warm, safe, and dry while they await permanent housing.The day starts promptly at 9am and we are […]
Our club social event this month will be a “New Member Social”.This is the time to invite potential new members to learn more about ourClub. We will meet at Arturo'sMexican Restaurant from 5PM to 7PM located on Marine View Drive, right herein Des Moines! Food, fun, fellowship, and refreshments. Who could ask foranything more! Be […]
Our presenter will be Richard Kennedy, President of the Des Moines Historical Society. Richard served as Mayor of Des Moines 1992-1995. Richard will share insights into our historyalong with the work of the historical society and our museum, located in the Odd Fellows Hall on the newly named Backstage Alley.
If you can't make the meeting in person, join us on Zoom.Launch Meeting - Zoom